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Oxidase Test
By Dr. Raj MD on October 16th, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
What is oxidase test? How does the oxidase test work? The oxidase test helps in identifying bacteria producing cytochrome c oxidase. It is a particular type of enzyme of the bacterial electron transport chain. Oxidase positive bacteria are classified as aerobic (uses oxygen as electron acceptor in respiration). On the other hand, oxidase negative bacteria […]
Crystals in Urine
By Dr. Raj MD on October 14th, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
Urine is one of the body’s ways of excreting waste products. It contains many chemicals and some of them are in the form of solid particles, particularly crystals. Some crystals are normally present in the urine while others could indicate an abnormality. Presence of crystals in the urine is called crystalluria. (1, 2) Crystals in […]
By Dr. Raj MD on October 12th, 2017 in Medical Physiology
What is a PPAR? It stands for peroxisome proliferator activated receptors, which are activated by ligand transcription factors of nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. PPAR play a vital role in metabolic functioning of the body as well as in energy homeostasis. PPAR belongs to the family of phylogenetically related protein known as nuclear hormone factor. Their […]
How to get rid of a boil
By Dr. Raj MD on October 10th, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
A boil is a type of skin infection that originates in the hair follicle and oil gland. Infection develops and the skin turns red. After some time, a tender lump starts to appear. After a few days, a pus collects under the skin, which changes the color of the lump from red to white. A […]
By Dr. Raj MD on October 5th, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
Akinesia Definition Akinesia is a medical disorder characterized by impaired muscle movements. It comes from the Greek word “kinesis” which means body movement and the prefix “a”, which means absence. Akinesia can affect a particular part of the body or all parts of the body. In neurology, Akinesia is categorize as a motor disorder. (1, […]
By Dr. Raj MD on October 3rd, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
What is RDW in a blood test? RDW stands for Red Cell Distribution Width. It is included in the complete blood count test as it measures the variation in size and volume of red blood cells. The regular size of RBC is six to eight cubic millimetre in diameter. Some disorders cause changes in the […]
Itchy Tongue
By Dr. Raj MD on October 3rd, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
Why is my tongue numb and itchy? There could be underlying reasons why the tongue sometimes feel itchy and numb. If you visit your doctor for a regular check-up, you sometimes notice that the doctor will thoroughly check the tongue. The general health of the tongue has something to do with your overall health. The […]
Cloudy Urine
By Dr. Raj MD on October 1st, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
The urine’s color has something to do with your health condition. Excretion of urine aids in various bodily processes. It helps regulate the balance of fluid in the body. It eliminates toxic substances and other waste materials. Based on the color and odor of the urine, health care professionals can predict whether something unusual is […]
By Dr. Raj MD on September 29th, 2017 in Diseases and Conditions
Obstipation Definition It is a term used to describe an obstructive constipation. It is a health condition wherein the body lacks the ability to pass gas and stool due to obstruction in the intestines. It is a form of constipation, but chronic and severe type. Obstipation should be treated right away for it could lead […]
Is Hypnosis Real ?
By Dr. Raj MD on June 6th, 2017 in Uncategorized
Hypnosis or hypnotic, or hypnotherapy is a state wherein your focus and concentration is heightened. It is done under the supervision of a therapist. To heighten your focus and concentration, the therapist will use mental images and verbal repetition. When you are in the hypnosis state, you will feel calm and relax. The state of […]